
Showing posts from December, 2020


1. Analisiskan dasar dasar dan tindakan yang diambil oleh Malaysia dalam menangani fenomina keganasan (Terrorisma). Sila pandukan analisis panduan seperti berikut.  a) Prinsip Human Security (Principles of Human Security), ia itu  i) Keselamatan Politik (Political Security)  ii) Keselamatan Ekonomi (Economic Security)  iii) Keselamatan Sosial (Social Security)  iv) Kuasa Kekerasan (Hard Power)  v) Kuasa Lembut (Soft Power)  vi) Undang Unang Pencegahan (Preventive Laws) Akta Keselamatan Dalam Negeri (ISA) 1960 Akta Kesalahan Keselamatan (Langah langkah Khas )SOSMA 2012 Rang Undang Undang Akta Pencegahan Keselamatan POTA 2015 Akta Majlis Keselamatan Negara (National Security Council Act) 2016  2. Bincangkan isu kemunculan NGO berasaskan agama dan perkauman boleh menggugat pendekatan laluan sederhana yang dilanjutkan kerajaan. Tugasan ini sebenarnya kami pernah buat sebelum ini cuma mungkin soalannya diubah-ubah setiap semester. Namun kehendak soalan...


TASK 1  PURPOSE  The purpose of this assignment is to develop learner’s ability to write a problem statement based on actual facts and figures and to formulate the research questions and objectives based on the problem statement and research topic.  REQUIREMENT  The first stage of research is to identify problems or issues in business and management (or in the learner’s field of study) and to justify the need for research. To this end, you are required to choose a research topic in a field of study that is of interest to you. Then, you need to formulate the problem statement related to the chosen topic. To ensure that the problem that you have identified exists and it is significant, you need to provide actual facts and figures to support it. You are also required to determine the research questions and objectives suitable to the research problem. Finally, you must explain why it is important to do the research. To do this assignment succesfully, you need to refer to...