Introduction to Early Childhood Education

The Ecological Theory as introduced by Bronfenbrenner (1977) emphasized that every individual who undergoes growth and development process is a part of an environment, where interaction plays a major role in it. 

Within the context, the interaction between the children and their environment is believed to have impact on growth and development and influenced by five (5) interrelating environmental systems. Each system influences and is influenced by others. 

For this assignment you are required to observe a child in your own class. For those who are not currently teaching, you are required to locate one. Based on your observations and reviews of literatures write a report regarding how the five (5) interrelating environmental systems influenced the observed child’s overall development and how a classroom teacher can assist the child to adjust him/herself into the expected classroom requirements.

Tugasan ini sebenarnya kami pernah buat sebelum ini cuma mungkin soalannya diubah-ubah setiap semester. Namun kehendak soalan sebenarnya adalah hampir sama setiap semester.

Sekiranya anda semua berasa pening sebab dah takdea idea, sibuk menguruskan kerja sehingga tidak ada masa untuk membuat tugasan. Anda boleh terus ke SINI untuk mendapatkan tips membuat tugasan atau ke SINI untuk mendapatkan contoh tugasan terdahulu sebagai rujukan.


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