Introduction to Social Sciences
European society in the 19th century had experienced rapid social changes resulting from agricultural revolution, industrial revolution and French revolution. Among other things, the French Revolution (1789) had left a profound impact on the social thinking of the West.
It set the platform for changes in the society with an emphasis on rationality and individualism. The concept of social justice and equality were re-asserted and a new social order was re-created for the protection of individualism and for fulfilling the need and interest of the masses.
It set the platform for changes in the society with an emphasis on rationality and individualism. The concept of social justice and equality were re-asserted and a new social order was re-created for the protection of individualism and for fulfilling the need and interest of the masses.
By using appropriate examples discuss the impact of the French revolution on European society in terms of its social thinking.
Objective of the Assignment
To assess to what extent students are aware of the evolution in social thinking in the West as a result of the French revolution;
To ensure that students understand the social philosophy behind European social thinking;
To draw students’ attention to the fact that social science thinking is always geared towards the betterment of the masses and the preservation of social justice.
Objective of the Assignment
To assess to what extent students are aware of the evolution in social thinking in the West as a result of the French revolution;
To ensure that students understand the social philosophy behind European social thinking;
To draw students’ attention to the fact that social science thinking is always geared towards the betterment of the masses and the preservation of social justice.
Masyarakat Eropah dalam abad ke-19 telah mengalami perubahan yang pesat ekoran daripada revolusi pertanian, revolusi industri dan revolusi Perancis. Antara lain, revolusi Perancis (1789) telah meninggalkan kesan yang sangat mendalam ke atas pemikiran sosial di Barat. Revolusi tersebut telah meletakkan landasan kepada perubahan dalam masyarakat dengan menekankan pemikiran rasional dan individualisme. Konsep keadilan sosial dan kesaksamaan dibangkitkan semula bersama dengan satu aturan sosial yang baru demi melindungi individualisme serta peperluan dan kepentingan masyarakat awam.
Dengan menggunakan contoh-contoh yang sesuai, bincangkan kesan revolusi Perancis ke atas masyarakat Eropah dari segi pemikiran sosial mereka.
Matlamat Tugasan
Untuk mengukur sejauh mana pelajar faham akan evolusi dalam pemikiran sosial di Barat akibat daripada revolusi Perancis.
Untuk memastikan pelajar faham akan falsafah sosial di sebalik pemikiran sosial Eropah.
Untuk menarik perhatian pelajar kepada hakikat bahawa pemikiran sains sosial sentiasa ditumpukan untuk kebaikan masyarakat awam dan mengekalkan keadilan sosial.
Dengan menggunakan contoh-contoh yang sesuai, bincangkan kesan revolusi Perancis ke atas masyarakat Eropah dari segi pemikiran sosial mereka.
Matlamat Tugasan
Untuk mengukur sejauh mana pelajar faham akan evolusi dalam pemikiran sosial di Barat akibat daripada revolusi Perancis.
Untuk memastikan pelajar faham akan falsafah sosial di sebalik pemikiran sosial Eropah.
Untuk menarik perhatian pelajar kepada hakikat bahawa pemikiran sains sosial sentiasa ditumpukan untuk kebaikan masyarakat awam dan mengekalkan keadilan sosial.
Tugasan ini sebenarnya kami pernah buat sebelum ini cuma mungkin soalannya diubah-ubah setiap semester. Namun kehendak soalan sebenarnya adalah hampir sama setiap semester.
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