Kemahiran Berfikir dan Penyelesaian Masalah/Thinking Skills and Problem Solving
Efficient and creative management of human capital can be a direct or indirect contributor to the success and profitability of the organisation. Often the core issues of human capital management are focused around talent management and training & development. Study the following cases:
Profile A
A is an employee who has served for 10 years. His expertise has contributed to the success of the organisation. Due to seniority and experience, he has received offers to serve in other organisations. He has submitted a letter of resignation.
Profile B
B is a new staff who has been in service for 6 months. Based on his academic qualifications although with little experience, his expertise in ICT is needed by the organisation. However, he would have trouble adjusting himself in the work environment and possibly be under pressure. This would have an impact on his job and organisational performance.
Profile C
C is a job seeker. Although he is still young, he has good credentials and experience to do common tasks in the organisation. He has an attractive personality and shows enthusiasm in the job. However, he has moved from one workplace to another for a number of times for the purpose of gaining experience and widening his knowledge.
Assuming that you are a manager of human capital management in your organisation, you would first of all want to identify the problems of the above cases. Provide analysis and proposed solutions on aspects of staffing, talent management and training & development based on the general guidelines for problem solving. (The guide: Explore the problems, establish goals, generate ideas, select ideas, implement action plans and evaluate and follow up).
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