Applied History

Since ancient times the oral history method was carried out to the older generation as a therapy because they often suffer from depression and lack of attention from family members. 

Based on the statement above; 

i. Explain in detail the importance of oral history to the older generation. 

ii. Write a story as a result of the interview process with an older generation of her life experiences in the past. 

iii. Based on written facts, make an analysis of the life problems faced by the older generation.

Tugasan ini sebenarnya kami pernah buat sebelum ini cuma mungkin soalannya diubah-ubah setiap semester. Namun kehendak soalan sebenarnya adalah hampir sama setiap semester.

Sekiranya anda semua berasa pening sebab dah takdea idea, sibuk menguruskan kerja sehingga tidak ada masa untuk membuat tugasan. Anda boleh terus ke SINI untuk mendapatkan tips membuat tugasan atau ke SINI untuk mendapatkan contoh tugasan terdahulu sebagai rujukan.


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