Organisational Behavior (i)


The purpose of this assignment (Assignment 1) is to develop learners’ ability to:

1. critically discuss the fundamental concepts in organsiational behavior. 

2. select a theory and justify why it would be most appropriate to explain the success factor found in an organisation. 

3. suggest the most appropriate leadership style that is critical to successful lead an organisation. 


Read the given case BELOW and answer the questions at the end of the case.

Assignment 1 (30%)

Title: Baker McKenzie Global Services Manila’s Project Convergence: How an office transfer can be an exercise in transformation

Baker McKenzie is one of the world’s top five law firms by revenue and headcount, and B&M Global Services Manila (GSM) is its largest in-sourcing facility. GSM has more than 900 employees providing a broad range of strategic and support services to 77 Baker McKenzie offices in 47 countries worldwide.

Opening in the Philippines in the year 2000 with a crew of just five document processors for the firm’s 14 offices in Asia Pacific, GSM has grown rapidly in headcount and reputation, creating not only stable support jobs but an increasing number of regional and global-level specialist roles. Growth at such a pace left little time or opportunity for office space planning, however, by 2014 GSM’s business units occupied several floors in four different buildings in Bonifacio Global City.

In 2015, GSM finally consolidated its presence in a new workspace designed by and for the employees with a purpose-built for an intended future use as a high value-adding business partner for all of Baker McKenzie employees.

More than just moving house, the transfer was part of a larger culture change towards trust, collaboration, and transparency. “Project Convergence incorporated various goals we knew GSM could achieve. Our first unified office and our fifteenth year were the ideal milestones for the transformation: A new home for a new GSM,” said Gabriel Pardo, GSM’s executive director.

In order to do this, conversations were initiated, communication lines to the entire GSM community were tapped, and ideas were solicited. Chris Eugenio, GSM director for business development, marketing and operations, said: “We looked at our other offices in the Baker McKenzie network for inspiration, but each time we returned to our goal: to build a place not just to punch the clock, but to perform and innovate and improve.”

Two foundations were laid: the building and the culture. “We built the infrastructure for a trust-based environment of integrity, accountability and collaboration,” said Eric Riego de Dios, GSM’s human resources director. 

First, they did away with biometrics as a way to track output — counting results and not minutes. The change represented a choice to trust people to use their time wisely. Second, they reinvented the in-house leadership and organizational development program, empowering people to direct their own development and track their progress. Third, they reinforced constant feedback as a performance tool, 360-degree reviews were conducted, and the transition to a rating-free system has been completed. It was not just a change of address, it was also a change of mindset.

The new open space ushered in an open invitation to communicate and work as one team. Seats were configured to accommodate impromptu meetings and secure quick wins for the clients. There are collaboration areas to encourage exchange of ideas and formulate innovative solutions. To encourage further dialogue, new channels of communication are being put in place. Town halls, newsletter, leaders’ forum, coffee talks, and employee hotlines have now become staple activities and a regular part of every GSM-er’s lifestyle. In essence, the new office brought new life to Global Services’ values of exceptional service, insightful solution, and one team.

Having transformed their workplace, GSM continues to transform its culture. Project Convergence may be done but the change continues


1. Summarise the given case by highlighting the main players, context of the case and issues. 

2. Discuss what are the dimension/s of the organisational culture is/are present at the B&M Global Services Manila (GSM) case? 

3. Use one or more motivational theories to analyse the underlying success factor at B&M Global Services Manila (GSM). What other organisational behavior theories might also help to further explain the success factor of transforming the cultural change at B&M Global Services Manila (GSM)? 

4. What leadership style that is most appropriate to manage B&M Global Services Manila (GSM)? 

Tugasan ini sebenarnya kami pernah buat sebelum ini cuma mungkin soalannya diubah-ubah setiap semester. Namun kehendak soalan sebenarnya adalah hampir sama setiap semester.

Sekiranya anda semua berasa pening sebab dah takdea idea, sibuk menguruskan kerja sehingga tidak ada masa untuk membuat tugasan. Anda boleh terus ke SINI untuk mendapatkan tips membuat tugasan atau ke SINI untuk mendapatkan contoh tugasan terdahulu sebagai rujukan.

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