Modern European History
1. Evaluate the political and socioeconomic changes brought about by the French Revolution of 1789 to the French society.
[Nilaikan perubahan-perubahan politik dan sosioekonomi yang dibawa oleh Revolusi Perancis 1789 kepada masyarakat Perancis.]
2. Compare the developments of the French Revolution during the moderate stage (1789-1792) and the radical stage (1792-1794).
[Bandingkan perkembangan Revolusi Perancis semasa peringkat moderat (1789-1792) dan peringkat radikal (1792-1794).]
3. The “Bloody Sunday” event in St. Petersburg marked the beginning of the Russian
Revolution of 1905. Discuss how long-term economic and political discontent throughout the Romanov dynasty led to the Russian Revolution of 1905.
[Peristiwa “Bloody Sunday” di St. Petersburg menandakan permulaan Revolusi Rusia
1905. Bincangkan bagaimana ketidakpuasan ekonomi dan politik jangka panjang sepanjang pemerintahan dinasti Romanov membawa kepada Revolusi Rusia 1905.]
4. How far do you agree that the Bolshevik Revolution of November 1917 would not be a successful event without the extraordinary leadership and personality of Lenin? Discuss.
[Sejauhmanakah anda bersetuju bahawa Revolusi Bolshevik pada November 1917 tidak akan berjaya tanpa kepimpinan dan keperibadian Lenin. Bincangkan jawapan anda.]
5. Explain how the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand in 1914 led to the involvement of the Great Powers in World War I.
[Terangkan bagaimana pembunuhan putera mahkota, Franz Ferdinand pada 1914 membawa kepada penglibatan kuasa-kuasa besar dalam Perang Dunia Pertama.]
6. Analyse the factors leading to the Eastern Crisis (1875-1878) in Bosnia-Herzegovina. How far do you agree that the crisis was caused by foreign influences from Serbia, Austria-Hungary and Russia? Explain.
[Analisa faktor-faktor yang membawa kepada Krisis Timur (1875-1878) di Bosnia-Herzegovina. Sejauh manakah anda bersetuju bahawa krisis berkenaan disebabkan oleh campur tangan kuasa asing dari Serbia, Austria-Hungary dan Rusia? Jelaskan.]
7. Article 231 of the Treaty of Versailles (known as the war guilt clause) stated that Germany was responsible for the outbreak of the First World War? How far to you agree that Germany bore the greatest responsibility? Justify your answer.
[Artikel 231 Perjanjian Versailles (juga dikenali sebagai klausa tanggungjawab perang) menyatakan bahawa Jerman bertanggungjawab ke atas pencetusan Perang Dunia Pertama. Sejauhmanakah anda bersetuju bahawa Jerman memikul tanggungjawab terbesar? Justifikasikan jawapan anda.]
8. Analyse the events leading to the Holocaust, from the economic boycott against the Jews in 1933 to the Final Solution in 1945.
[Analisa peristiwa-peristiwa yang membawa kepada “Holocaust”, bermula dariapda boikot ekonomi terhadap orang Yahudi pada 1933 sehingga peristiwa “penyelesaian terakhir” pada 1945]
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