This assignment is intended to give you practice in academic writing. It requires you to refer to materials / articles and include relevant ideas and quotes in your essay. You are also required to acknowledge ideas and concepts from sources to be included in your writing. 


The education inequality does exist in Malaysia. Many rural schools in this country are so isolated that the students are not aware of scholarships and grants available to them. 

To what extent do you agree with this statement? Is there any gap between urban and rural schools? 

Discuss the issue and give suggestions on how to help the rural school students to get the information and the aspiration to further their studies and achieve their goals. 


For this assignment, you need to: 

i. Prepare an outline for your essay (must be submitted with the essay). 

ii. Write an essay and discuss the following issues related to the above topic and give reasons for your suggestions / opinions. 


Write your own outline, essay, and avoid plagiarism. The content of the essay must be written based on the essay outline that you have prepared. Please refer to the sequenced and numbered outline format stated on page 27 (3.1 Planning to Write Essays) of the OUMH1203 module and refer to the attached sample outline format. 

Support your discussion with evidence drawn from a review of current and related literature (2012 – 2019). Use the APA format for in - text citations and the reference list. 

Refer to the assignment rubrics as a guide to achieve cohesion and coherence.

Tugasan ini sebenarnya kami pernah buat sebelum ini cuma mungkin soalannya diubah-ubah setiap semester. Namun kehendak soalan sebenarnya adalah hampir sama setiap semester.

Sekiranya anda semua berasa pening sebab dah takdea idea, sibuk menguruskan kerja sehingga tidak ada masa untuk membuat tugasan. Anda boleh terus ke SINIuntuk mendapatkan tips membuat tugasan atau ke SINI untuk mendapatkan contoh tugasan terdahulu sebagai rujukan.

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