Bill Nugent, an international real estate developer from Dallas, had made a 2:30pm appointment with Mr. Abdullah, a high-ranking goverment official in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

From the beginning, things did not go well fo Bill. First, he was kept waiting until nearly 3.45pm before he was ushered into Mr. Abdullah's office. When he finally did get in, several other men were also in the room. Even though Bill felt that he wanted to get down to business with Mr. Abdullah, he was reluctant to get too specific because he considered much of what they needed to discuss sensitive and private.

To add to Bill's sense of frustation, Mr. Abdullah seemed more interested in engaging in meaningless small talk than in dealing with the substantive issues concerning their business. How might you help Bill deal with his frustation?

Perlukan Bantuan Menyelesaikan Tugasan? Kami Sedia Membantu!

Adakah anda rasa terbeban dengan tugasan yang tidak selesai akibat kesibukan kerja? Kami faham betapa susahnya menguruskan kedua-dua perkara ini. Jangan risau, kami boleh membantu.

Tugasan yang anda hadapi mungkin berbeza sedikit setiap semester, tetapi soalan-soalan tersebut biasanya berkait rapat. Jika anda kekurangan idea atau tidak mempunyai masa untuk menyiapkannya, kami sedia memberikan bantuan.

Untuk pertanyaan atau bantuan lanjut, anda boleh menghubungi kami melalui:

  • Email:
  • WhatsApp: 014-5875518

Kami sedia membantu anda menyelesaikan tugasan dengan lebih mudah dan efisien.





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