
Showing posts from July, 2022


Part I PURPOSE The purpose of this assignment is to develop the learner’s ability to write a scientific research proposal. This assignment comprises two tasks. Task 1 is designed to develop the learner’s ability to write a problem statement based on actual facts and figures on a specific research topic. Based on the research topic and problem statement, learners will learn to formulate the research questions and objectives. Task 2 is designed to develop the learner’s ability to write a literature review on the selected research topic and develop the conceptual framework, and finally, write on the research methodology. A combination of these two tasks should produce a good research proposal. REQUIREMENT TASK 1 The first stage of research is to identify problems or issues in business and management (or in the learner’s field of study) and to justify the need for research. To this end, you are required to choose a research topic in a field of study that is of interest to you. Then, ...


Tujuan tugasan ini adalah untuk membangunkan keupayaan pelajar mengaplikasikan matematik dalam pengurusan. KEPERLUAN Anda dikehendaki menyelesaikan semua soalan. Seorang pengilang boleh menjual satu produk pada RM110 seunit. Jumlah kos terdiri daripada overhed tetap sebanyak RM7,000 ditambah kos pengeluaran sebanyak RM60 seunit. a) Berapa unit mesti dijual untuk pulang modal? b) Apakah keuntungan atau kerugian pengilang jika 100-unit dijual? c) Berapa unit mesti dijual untuk mendapatkan keuntungan sebanyak RM1,250? Tugasan ini sebenarnya kami pernah buat sebelum ini cuma mungkin soalannya diubah-ubah setiap semester. Namun kehendak soalan sebenarnya adalah hampir sama setiap semester. Sekiranya anda semua berasa pening sebab  TURNITIN  selalu tak lepas, takda idea, sibuk menguruskan kerja sehingga tidak ada masa untuk membuat tugasan. Anda boleh terus ke   SINI  untuk mendapatkan tips membuat tugasan atau ke  SINI  untuk mendapatkan contoh tugasan terdahulu...


BAHAGIAN I - LAPORAN REFLEKTIF (10%) Laporan reflektif adalah penulisan yang menumpukan pada perkara berikut; 1. Apakah yang saya pelajari dari kursus ini? 2. Bagaimanakah pengalaman pembelajaran saya sepanjang kursus ini? 3. Apakah cadangan saya untuk meningkatkan kualiti pembelajaran bagi kursus ini? Pemikiran reflektif Membuat hubung kait antara pembelajaran dan pengalaman Analisis Cadangan Tugasan ini sebenarnya kami pernah buat sebelum ini cuma mungkin soalannya diubah-ubah setiap semester. Namun kehendak soalan sebenarnya adalah hampir sama setiap semester. Sekiranya anda semua berasa pening sebab  TURNITIN  selalu tak lepas, takda idea, sibuk menguruskan kerja sehingga tidak ada masa untuk membuat tugasan. Anda boleh terus ke   SINI  untuk mendapatkan tips membuat tugasan atau ke  SINI  untuk mendapatkan contoh tugasan terdahulu sebagai rujukan.

Microbiology Mikrobiologi

TASK 1 1. As a representative of a hospital, you are appointed to give a briefing on the tiers of recommended precautions to prevent the spread of infections in healthcare settings. Describe the Standard Precaution and the Transmission-Based Precautions apply in healthcare facilites in controlling spread of diseases 2. Sepsis are frequently results from common, preventable infections and also infections acquired in health care settings, which are one of the most frequent adverse events during care delivery and affect hundreds of millions of patients worldwide every year. Describe sepsis and Healthcare-Associated Infections (HAI) and their prevention control. TUGASAN 1 1. Sebagai wakil hospital, anda telah dilantik untuk memberi taklimat mengenai peringkat langkah berjaga-jaga yang disyorkan untuk mencegah penularan jangkitan dalam persekitaran penjagaan kesihatan. Terangkan Langkah Berjaga-jaga Standard dan Langkah Berjaga-jaga Berasaskan Transmisi digunakan dalam fasiliti penjagaan ke...


In 1978, a leaking toxic dump with over 20,000 tons of chemical waste was discovered buried beneath an elementary school in the working-class residential community of LaSalle in Niagara Falls, New York. The health effects for the residents were staggering, with high incidences of cancer, miscarriages, rare diseases and birth defects. It was the first US state of emergency to be declared over a human-made disaster, and it was a sobering lesson about the effects of toxic pollution. Love Canal received international media attention and stands out as a significant turning point in the history of the global environmental justice movement. TASK 1 – ESSAY As a toxicologist at one of the public universities in Malaysia, you are invited to give a speech on the topic “systematic management of toxic waste in Malaysia”. By looking at the lesson which could be learned from the Love Canal tragedy, prepare the content of your speech which should cover the following components: 1. Summary of Love Cana...


Part I  PURPOSE The purpose of this assignment is to enhance learners’ ability to discuss how a selected multinational corporation (MNC) manages its international compensation for employees on assignments abroad. REQUIREMENT Select any multinational company (MNC) that you are familiar with. Discuss the approaches taken by the selected organisation in managing its international compensation for employees on assignments abroad. Analyse the issues faced by this MNC. Suggest methods to improve the shortcomings in managing international compensation at the selected organisation. Part II  ONLINE CLASS PARTICIPATION Discuss the following topic(s) in the forum and submit proof of your participation in the online discussions: Provide your answer and view on the following topic of discussion. a. Explain with examples, how MNCs would have implemented training and development for assignments abroad during the Covid-19 coronavirus pandemic lockdown. b. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, restric...


TUJUAN Tugasan ini adalah untuk menilai kebolehan pelajar membincangkan sumbangan dan hasil pencapaian tamadun Melayu terhadap nilai dan pandangan semesta masyarakatnya. KEPERLUAN Tugasan 1 (30 markah) Tonton dua video di bawah. Video 1: Buaya, kerbau dan kancil_versi asal Video 2: Buaya, kerbau dan kancil_versi kini Jawab soalan berikut setelah menonton video di atas; a. Kenal pasti dan nilaikan sumbangan tamadun Melayu daripada dua video yang ditonton serta nyatakan minit daripada scene dari video tersebut. b. Antara dua video tersebut, video manakah yang menjadi pilihan anda? Kongsikan pengalaman pemilihan video tersebut serta jelaskan pengajaran berasaskan nilai-nilai negatif dan positif yang terdapat daripadanya kepada masyarakat hari ini. c. Berdasarkan soalan a dan b di atas...


QUESTION 1 The initial material is in the shape of a solid body during the forming process. The solid body is referred to as a work piece, stock, or blank. The shape of an existing solid body is modified through a forming process to a new shape. For example, twisting and bending a straight wire into a clothes hanger is a simple shaping technique. The wire's shape transforms from a straight to a hanger-like shape. When it comes to metal forming, there are several processes to choose from, with each offering its own list of benefits and detriments, each suited to certain applications, and each suited for different types of metal. In order to determine the best process for your organisation, you need to prepare a comprehensive report to your top management explaining the four main metal forming processes which are: a) Rolling b) Drawing c) Forging d) Extrusion Your report should explain the following aspects in detail: i. Introduction of the metal forming process, its history and adva...


Part I PURPOSE This assignment is designed to develop learners’ ability to discuss the business networking of successful entrepreneurs in Malaysia. REQUIREMENT Select any TWO business companies in Malaysia that you are familiar with and discuss the companies networking and how these companies are able to develop their organisation’s business to a level of success and pride in the business. Part II ONLINE CLASS PARTICIPATION (10%) Discuss the following topics in the forum and submit proof of your participation in the online discussions: i) Describe the environmental factors that influence a business organisation in Malaysia. ii) Discuss how the environmental factors influence the selected business organisations in the assignment question in part I. Bahagian I TUJUAN Tugasan ini direka untuk meningkatkan keupayaan pelajar membincangkan rangkaian perniagaan usahawan yang berjaya di Malaysia. KEPERLUAN Pilih mana-mana DUA syarikat perniagaan di Malaysia yang anda kenali dan bincangkan rang...


Bahagian I (50%) TUJUAN Tujuan tugasan ini adalah untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan pemahaman pelajar-pelajar mengenai peranan-peranan kerajaan dalam mencapai matlamat-matlamat makroekonomi negara. KEPERLUAN Cari SATU artikel tentang dasar fiskal di Malaysia. Artikel yang diperoleh daripada akhbar atau majalah tempatan mestilah antara Januari 2019 dan Januari 2022. Rumuskan artikel yang dipilih dan ketengahkan instrumen-instrumen fiskal penting yang digunakan oleh kerajaan. Bincangkan kesan-kesan tindakan-tindakan kerajaan ke arah mencapai matlamat-matlamat makroekonomi jangka panjang negara. Bahagian II (10%) PENYERTAAN KELAS DALAM TALIAN (10%) Bincangkan topik-topik yang berikut di dalam forum dan kemukakan bukti penyertaan anda di dalam perbincangan dalam talian: Pandangan mengenai ekonomi dunia selepas pandemik COVID-19 dan bagaimanakah ekonomi dunia mempengaruhi ekonomi Malaysia semasa pandemik COVID-19? Tugasan ini sebenarnya kami pernah buat sebelum ini cuma mungkin soalannya...